PHY.K02UF Molecular and Solid State Physics

Exam questions

Left column: Potential exam questions

Right column: Practice questions

    1. Atoms
  1. Hydrogen wavefunction
  2. Probability of finding an electron
  3. Variational approach
  4. Lithium wavefunction - Exam May 2011, Exam April 2013
  5. Many electron wave function
  6. Hamiltonian matrix
    2. Molecules
  1. Nitrogen - Exam June 2011
  2. Hückel theory for the cyclepropene cation
  3. Aromatic stabilization
  4. LCAO for homonuclear molecules
  5. Water molecule
  6. Molecular orbitals - Exam January 2010
    3. Crystal structures
  1. Copper oxide - Exam April 2009
  2. Graphene
  3. The angle between the [110] direction and the [111] direction - Exam October 2011
  4. A C-centered tetragonal Bravais lattice does not exist
  5. Metal density - Exam November 2008
  6. Equivalent planes and directions - Exam January 2012
  7. The crystal structure of SrTiO3
  8. MIT 8.231 Problem 1.6, Packing Fraction
  9. Primitive unit cell of fcc
    4. Crystal diffraction
  1. Bragg diffraction
  2. Find the reciprocal lattice of a monoclinic crystal
  3. Determine the fourier transform of a periodic function
  4. Structure factor - Exam April 2013
  5. Interference of scattered x-rays
  6. Ewald sphere 2
  7. The structure factor of a simple cubic crystal
  8. Powder diffraction - Exam July 2013
  9. The Fourier transform of a two-dimensional function
    5. Crystal binding
  1. Madelung constant for a 2D ionic crystal
  2. Van der Waals crystal
  3. Compressibility of NaCl
  4. Ionic bonding
    6. Photons
  1. Density of states
  2. Energy spectral density in 1-D Exam May 2011
  3. Relationship between photons and phonons
    7. Lattice vibrations and phonons
  1. Wavevectors in a one-dimensional chain
  2. Length of the largest wave vector
  3. Phonon dispersion, Exam April 2008
  4. Phonons in a 1-d chain
  5. Eigenfunctions of the translation operator
  6. Counting phonons - Exam July 2013
  7. Kittel 6.1: Heat capacity of a one-dimensional lattice
    8. Free electron gas
  1. Free electron model of aluminium
  2. Density of states
  3. Average electron energy in a metal
  4. Chemical potential of a metal - Exam May 2011
  5. Phonon Bandstructure
  6. MIT 8.231 Problem 5.3, Chemical potential of a two-dimensional electron gas
  7. Sommerfeld expansion - Exam June 2008
    9. Energy bands
  1. Empty lattice approximation- Exam November 2009
  2. Calculate EF - Exam March 2008, Exam June 2011
  3. Kittel problem 9.4: Square lattice, free electron energies
  4. One dimensional potential
  5. Tight binding
  6. Band structure - Exam June 2010
  7. Diffusive charge transport in aluminum
  8. Thermal conductivity
    10. Crystal physics
  1. Point groups
  2. Point group notation
  3. Pyroelectricity - Exam January 2011
  4. Piezoelectricity
  5. Thermal expansion
  6. How do you calculate thermodynamic properties? - Exam October 2011, Exam April 2013
    11. Semiconductor Physics
  1. Effective mass, Exam April 2008, Exam January 2009, Exam July 2010
  2. Conduction band electron energy - Exam October 2010
  3. Chemical potential of a semiconductor - Exam November 2008
  4. Chemical potential of Ge - Exam April 2009
  5. Fermi energies in extrinsic semiconductors - Exam November 2009
  6. Hall effect
  7. Donors in GaAs
  8. Conductivity of a semiconductor
  9. pn - junction, Exam April 2010
  10. Chemical potential of a semiconductor - Exam January 2012

2016: 29 January 2016, 29 February 2016, Exercise exam - 10 May 2016, 11 April 2016
2015: 6 March 2015, 24 April 2015, 3 July 2015, 9 October 2015, 4 December 2015
2014: 9 May 2014, 2 July 2014, 3 October 2014, 5 December 2014