PHY.F20 Molecular and Solid State Physics

Problem 1

The molecule 2-ethenyl-1,3 butadien is an aromatic molecule, the chemical structure is depicted below.

a) The carbon atoms in this molecule form sp² σ-bonds with their neighbors. The valence orbitals are the carbon 2pz orbitals which form π-bonds. How many electrons are there in this molecule and how many participate in π-bonds?

b) We now restrict our attention to the valence electrons. Use a linear combination of atomic orbitals to write down a wave function that describes the electrons that participate in the π-bonds. Use the notation that the position of atom C1 is $\vec{r}_1$.

c) Write down the form of the Roothaan equations for this molecule including the Hamiltonian matrix and the overlap matrix.

d) In Hückel theory, the form of both the Hamiltonian matrix and the overlap matrix are simplified. Please write down the simplified Hamilton matrix and overlap matrix. What are the simplifications and why are they justified?


Problem 2

CaTiO3 has what is known as the ideal perovskite structure. Calcium atoms are at the corners of cube, a titanium atom is at cube body center, and oxygen atoms are at cube face centers. Take the cube edge length to be $a$.

a) What is the Bravais lattice type?

b) Write down a set of primitive lattice vectors.

c) Verify that there are 3 oxygen atoms, 1 titanium atom and 1 calcium atom the basis of this crystal structure.

d) Give the positions of the atoms in the basis in fractional coordinates of the primitive lattice vectors.


Problem 3

A diffraction experiment is performed on a crystal with a primitive cubic lattice with a lattice constant of $a = 3$ Å. The electron density can be approximated by point charges $10e$ at the corners of the cube and $5e$ at the body center.

a) Calculate the primitive lattice vectors of the reciprocal space lattice.

b) Calculate the length of the reciprocal lattice vector 124 $(h =1,\, k = 2,\, l =4)$. Give the units in your answer.

c) At which scattering angle 2θ is the diffraction of the 124 reflection is observed, if the wavelength of the X-rays is 1.1 Å?

d) Calculate the structure factor of the 124 reflection.
