PHY.K02UF Molecular and Solid State Physics

Exercise questions 11: Semiconductors

Semiconductors are materials where the chemical potential lies in a band gap and the band gap is less than about 3 eV. To calculate the properties of a semiconductor, first the crystal structure must be determined. This can be done by x-ray diffraction. Once the crystal structure is known, a band structure calculation can be performed to determine the electron dispersion relation. The band structure calculation is done for different lattice constants to check that the calculation that gives the minimum of the energy has the lattice constant that is measured in a diffraction experiment. From the change in energy as a function of lattice constant, an effective spring constant between the atoms can be determined and this can be used to calculate the phonon dispersion relation and the phonon density of states. The phonon density of states can be used to calculate the phonon contribution to the thermodynamic properties. At room temperature, the phonon contribution to the thermodynamic properties usually dominates over the electron contribution of semiconductors. An example of these calculations for silicon can be found here.

Only the top of the valence band and bottom of the conduction band are important for many electronic properties. The minimum of the conduction band can be fit by a paraboloid. For an appropriate choice of coordinate axes, the minimum of the conduction band can be approximated as,

\begin{equation} E_{c}=E_g+\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_{ex}}\left(k_x-k_{0x}\right)^2+\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_{ey}}\left(k_y-k_{0y}\right)^2+\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_{ez}}\left(k_z-k_{0z}\right)^2, \end{equation}

where $(k_{0x},k_{0y},k_{0z})$ is the position of the minimum and $m_{ex}$, $m_{ey}$, and $m_{ez}$ are the effective masses of the electrons. At maximum of the valence band can similarily described by

\begin{equation} E_{v}=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_{hx}}\left(k_x-k_{0x}\right)^2-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_{hy}}\left(k_y-k_{0y}\right)^2-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m_{hz}}\left(k_z-k_{0z}\right)^2, \end{equation}

where $m_{hx}$, $m_{hy}$, and $m_{hz}$ are the effective masses of the holes.

11.1 In silicon, the bottom of the conduction valley along the [100] direction is at $(2\pi/a)(0.85,0,0)$ where $a = 0.543$ nm. Electrons in this valley have an anisotropic effective mass. The effective mass in the [100] direction is $m_l = 0.98$ $m_e$ and the effective mass transverse to the [100] direction is $m_t = 0.19$ $m_e$. What is the energy of an electron with a $k$-vector $(2\pi/a)(0.83,0.1,0.01)$ measured from the top of the valence band?

Because the dispersion relation is parabolic near the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band, the electron density of states grows like the square root of energy near the band edges like it does in the free electron model. Near the bottom of the conduction band the electron density of states is proportional to $\sqrt{E-E_c}$ and near the top of the valence band the electron density of states is proportional to $\sqrt{E_v-E}$. Using the Boltzmann approximation, it is possible to calculate the concentration of electrons in the conduction band $n = N_c\exp\left(\frac{\mu-E_c}{k_BT}\right)$ and holes in the valence band $p = N_v\exp\left(\frac{E_v-\mu}{k_BT}\right)$. Here $N_c$ is the effective density of states in the conduction band and $N_v$ is the effective density of states in the valence band. Plots of results of the the Boltzmann approximations are available here. From these formulas it is possible to the intrinsic carrier concentration $n_i$, and the chemical potential for an intrinsic semiconductor.




 Si (300 K)

2.78 × 1025 m-3

9.84 × 1024 m-3

1.12 eV

 Ge (300 K)

1.04 × 1025 m-3

6.0 × 1024 m-3

0.66 eV

 GaAs (300 K) 

 4.45 × 1023 m-3 

7.72 × 1024 m-3

1.424 eV

 4H-SiC (300 K) 

 1.7 × 1025 m-3 

2.5 × 1025 m-3

3.3 eV

11.2 In silicon, the mobility of electrons is 1500 cm²/Vs and the mobility of holes is 450 cm²/Vs. What is the conductivity of intrinsic silicon at 400 °C?

11.x (a) What is the chemical potential for intrinsic Ge measured from the top of the valence band at 300 K?

(b) Draw the density of states for Ge as a function of energy near the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band.

(c) Germanium is an indirect semiconductor. The valence band maximum is at k = 0 but the conduction band minimum is in the <111> direction. How many conduction band minima are there?

(d) Describe the relationship between the effective density of states and the effective mass. (You don't need to give the formula, just describe in words how they are related.)

The conductivity of semiconductors can be modified dramatically by doping. For an $n$-type semiconductor in the extrinsic regime, the concentration of electrons in the conduction band is the concentration of donors $n=N_D$. For a $p$-type semiconductor in the extrinsic regime, the concentration of holes in the valence band is the concentration of acceptors $p=N_A$. These conditions can be used to calculate the chemical potential of a doped semiconductor. The minority carrier concentrations are then determined by the law of mass action $np=n_i^2$. Outside the extrinsic regime, the carrier concentrations of doped semicnductors can be determined numerically.

11.x Silicon is doped n-type at 2 × 1017 cm-3 and p-type at 3 × 1014 cm-3.

(a) In the extrinsic regime, what is the density of electrons in the conduction band and the density of holes in the valence band?

(b) What is the chemical potential in the extrinsic regime?

11.3 (a) Draw the temperature dependence of the density of holes in the valence band for silicon doped with boron at 1017 1/cm³.

(b) A doped semiconductor makes a transition from extrinsic behavior to intrinsic behavior when density of thermally activated charge carriers equals the density of dopants. What is this temperature for the boron doped silicon?

11.4 A silicon $pn$ junction is doped with 1017 cm-3 donors on the $n$-side and 1017 cm-3 acceptors on the $p$-side.

(a) Calculate the chemical potentials on the two sides at 300 K. Set the zero of energy to be at the top of the valence band.

(b) Calculate the built-in voltage for this diode at 300 K.

(c) Draw the electric field as a function of position indicating the direction the field is pointing.

11.x Describe a light emitting diode. Where do the electrons and holes recombine? How is the bandgap related to the photon frequency? Should the semiconductor be direct or indirect? How should the diode be biased for there to be emission?

11.x (a) Describe how a solar cell works.

(b) Explain which way the current flows.

(c) Does it matter if the semiconductor has a direct or indirect band gap? Why or why not?