Physics of Semiconductor Devices

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MIT 6.012, problem 1.3

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology maintains an Open Course Ware site, "a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world." All of the problems with a title like 'MIT ... ' were taken from that site.

In a certain n-type region of a semiconductor in thermal equilibrium, there is a hole concentration with the following spatial distribution:

po = 10³(1 - 8 × 10³x) 1/cm³ for 0 < x < 10-4 with x in cm.

Assume that in this region, the electron mobility is μn = 200 cm²/V·s and the hole mobility is μp = 100 cm²/V·s.

a) Derive an expresion for and sketch the hole diffusion current in this region.

b) Derive an expresion for and sketch the electric field distribution in this region.